
posted in home and wiki on 14th Oct 2023
tagged with testing
less than a minute read

Welcome to a most finicky wiki powered by instiki.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed mattis eros et lorem vestibulum mattis. Aliquam finibus turpis at lectus vulputate luctus. Fusce ac risus vitae elit semper tristique. Pellentesque eget tortor vitae ligula malesuada faucibus. Vestibulum lobortis nulla et sapien pellentesque, vitae cursus libero hendrerit.

nano /etc/php/8.1/fpm/php.ini

Note: this page clearly isn't powered by instiki - I just wanted to create a style in Grav which looked much like instiki - and this is it.

Heading two

Mauris interdum arcu eu nisl malesuada viverra. Etiam non augue eu velit porttitor accumsan. Maecenas sed pretium risus. Cras porttitor non justo a facilisis. Bulleted list:

  • Item one;
  • Item two;
  • Item three.


An old blurry photograph of wild blue flowers swaying in the breeze in West Cork - some time in the early 2000s.


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